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Swiss Dual Adjustable Pulley (NEW)

Swiss Dual Adjustable Pulley (NEW)

Regular price £1,995.00 GBP
Regular price £2,499.00 GBP Sale price £1,995.00 GBP
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swiss barbellAt Completegyms, we are proud to offer you this dual adjustable pulley from Swiss.

Why not warm up with Swiss Resistance Bands

Check this video out of the Swiss DAP  Video

1. Cable Front Squat on Swiss DAP

The cable front squat is an explosive movement.
  1. Begin facing the cable machine with the pulley on the lowest setting (as close to the floor as possible).
  2. Using a rope attachment, grip the rope with your thumbs toward the ceiling — the goblet grip position.
  3. Pull up the rope so it's just below your chin with your elbows bent.
  4. Don't allow the rope to drop as you descend into a squat by sitting your hips back and keeping your knees out and feet shoulder-width apart (or just outside).
  5. Don't allow your back to round or overarch as you push through your heels to return to standing.


2. Cable Forward Lunge on Swiss DAP

During this move, keep your back from overarching.
  1. Begin facing the cable machine with the pulley on the lowest setting and the rope in the goblet-grip position.
  2. With your feet hip-width apart and your core tight, take a step toward the cable, keeping your hips level and knees and ankles in line as you descend into a lunge. Keep your knee from diving out in front of your toes.
  3. Push the ground away and return to the starting position.
  4. Repeat with the other leg while keeping your core tight.
  5. Continue alternating sides.


During this movement, the cable will try to pull you forward but use your core strength to keep your back from rounding or overarching.

3. Cable Reverse Lunge on Swiss DAP

This move will fire up your glutes.
  1. With the cable pulley on the lowest setting, grip the rope attachment so the pinky sides of your hands are in contact with the knobs of the rope.
  2. Carefully turn away from the cable machine while bringing the rope into the "suspenders position," over your shoulders as if it were a set of suspenders.
  3. With your feet hip-width apart, take a step back as you carefully descend into a reverse lunge.
  4. Dig your front-leg heel into the ground and return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat with the other leg and continue alternating sides.


During this movement, the cable will try to pull you down and back, so start from a solid athletic position (hips slightly back and knees soft).

4. Cable Lateral Lunge on Swiss DAP

Use your core to stay upright during this move.
  1. Begin facing sideways to the cable with the pulley at the lowest setting.
  2. With a D-handle attachment, bring your hand up to your shoulder to the racked position.
  3. Step away from the cable and with the feet hip-width apart, brace your core to stand straight and tall.
  4. Next, take a step toward the cable into a lateral lunge.
  5. Push yourself back to the starting position and repeat.
  6. Turn around and do the same facing the other direction.


Don't allow the cable to pull your upper body out of line with your knee as you sit your hips back and descend into the lunge.

5. Cable Step-Up on Swiss DAP

Make sure to maintain stability during this move.
  1. Get a box (or low step) and place it a few feet in front of the cable machine.
  2. Start facing away from the cable with the pulley at the lowest setting and the rope attachment in the suspenders position.
  3. Place one foot on the box. Your knee should be at roughly 90 degrees.
  4. Keep your hips level, core tight and the foot, knee and hip of your standing leg in line.
  5. Dig your heel into the box as you step up, bringing the other foot to the top of the box.
  6. Step back down with the same leg and repeat before switching legs.

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